Urban Forestry Interns Compete to Identify Trees


In groups of two, the Urban Forestry Interns set out in the neighborhood around their school campus to compete against each other in identifying tree species. The Interns have been learning about different tree species, and each gave a presentation to their teammates a few weeks back. With some knowledge of local tree species and strategies for discerning the differences among trees, the competition was competitive. The Interns also made use of dichotomous tree keys and internet searches to make identifications.

The winning team, with a perfect score, correctly identified all the tree species including bonus points for providing the botanical and common name of the trees.

“One way to help identify the tree is by looking at their leaves and bark.” – Jessica C.

“One way to help identify the trees are if they [the branches] where alternate or opposite.” – Lizet M.

Urban Forestry Interns Plant an Earth Team Record of 26 Trees at an Event!

A Waldorf teacher (left) and Earth Team Interns (right) applying ties to secure the tree to the adjacent stakes.

On Saturday, December 3rd 2016, the Urban Forestry Interns at Richmond High School worked with volunteers and teachers at East Bay Waldorf to plant 26 trees on the Waldorf school campus. The event succeeded in breaking the record amount of trees planted in one day at an Earth Team tree planting event. (The previous record was 20 trees, which was set by last year’s interns in May 2016 at Wanlass Park in San Pablo, CA.)

This was the 3rd Urban Forestry tree planting event this year, and as tree planting experts, the interns led groups of volunteers to correctly plant trees.

Along with planting the most trees, the event included the greatest diversity of tree species. Please see below for a complete list.

4 – Quercus suber
2 – Quercus lobata
1 – Quercus douglasii
2 – Acer macrophyllum
1 – Lagerstroemia ‘Muskogee’
2 – Olea europea
5 – Arbutus ‘Marina’
3 – Pinus canariensis
4 – Nyssa sylvatica
1 – Pistacia chinensis
1 – Ginkgo biloba

“There were so many roots in my first tree I ever tired to plant.” – Carina C.

“The most memorable moment from the tree plant was working with the student’s parents.” – Jessica C.

“A total of 5 trees. This is the most I planted in a single day.” – Kevin H.


Urban Forestry Interns Map Their Trees


The Urban Forestry interns returned to a site above Pinole Creek where they planted 14 trees a few weeks ago. The interns took careful measurements of the new tree’s diameter and GPS location. The information will be added to Earth Team’s online map tool, www.zerolitter.org. Today, when you visit the map, you can see the location and species of the trees Earth Team interns have planted in the past.


Richmond Urban Forestry Practice Tree Data Collection

The Urban Forestry Interns at Richmond High School began learning how to accurate record important data for creating a tree inventory. The students measured the diameter of trees, recording the GPS coordinates, identified the species, and took a picture of the tree. This data can be used to track the number, growth rate, and health of trees in an specified area. It can also help determine when and where to add more trees to an area. Soon the students will use this tree data to calculate the amount of carbon the trees are sequestering as part of their air quality initiative. The skill of accurately recording and organizing data extends beyond just collecting data on trees. It is a valuable skill that applies across scientific fields and other non science specific disciplines.

The students will use their data collection skills to record data on the trees they are planting this year.